Source code for whisker.rawsocketclient

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright © 2011-2020 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of the Whisker Python client library.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


**Framework for Whisker Python clients using raw sockets.**


- Created: 18 Aug 2011.
- Last update: 10 Feb 2016


# =============================================================================
# Dependencies
# =============================================================================

import logging
import re
import socket
import time
from typing import Generator, Union

from whisker.socket import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
# Basic Whisker class, in which clients do all the work
# =============================================================================

[docs]class WhiskerRawSocketClient(object): """ Basic Whisker class, in which clients do all the work via raw network sockets. (Not sophisticated. Use :class:`whisker.twistedclient.WhiskerTwistedTask` instead.) """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.mainsock = None self.immsock = None
[docs] @classmethod def set_verbose_logging(cls, verbose: bool) -> None: """ Set the Python log level. """ if verbose: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
[docs] def connect_both_ports(self, server: str, mainport: Union[str, int]) -> bool: """ Connect the main and immediate ports to the server. """ if not self.connect_main(server, mainport): # Log in to the server. return False # Listen to the server until we can connect the immediate socket. immport = None for line in self.getlines_mainsock(): # The server has sent us a message via the main socket. log.debug("SERVER: " + line) m ="^ImmPort: (\d+)", line) if m: immport = m ="^Code: (\w+)", line) if m: code = if not self.connect_immediate(server, immport, code): return False break return True
[docs] def connect_main(self, server: str, portstring: Union[str, int]) -> bool: """ Connect the main port to the server. """"Connecting main port to server.") port = get_port(portstring) proto = socket.getprotobyname("tcp") try: self.mainsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto) self.mainsock.connect((server, port)) except socket.error as x: # "except socket.error, msg" used to work; see # self.mainsock.close() self.mainsock = None log.error("ERROR creating/connecting main socket: " + str(x)) return False"Connected to main port " + str(port) + " on server " + server) # Disable the Nagle algorithm: self.mainsock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) return True
[docs] def connect_immediate(self, server: str, portstring: Union[str, int], code: str) -> bool: """ Connect the immediate port to the server. """ port = get_port(portstring) proto = socket.getprotobyname("tcp") try: self.immsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto) self.immsock.connect((server, port)) except socket.error as x: self.immsock.close() self.immsock = None log.error("ERROR creating/connecting immediate socket: " + str(x)) return False"Connected to immediate port " + str(port) + " on server " + server) # Disable the Nagle algorithm: self.immsock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.immsock.setblocking(True) self.send_immediate("Link " + code) sleeptime = 0.1"Sleeping for " + str(sleeptime) + " seconds as the Nagle-disabling feature of Python " "isn't working properly...") time.sleep(sleeptime) # the Nagle business isn't working; the Link packet is getting # amalgamated with anything the main calling program starts to send. # So pause."... continuing. Immediate socket should now be " "correctly linked.") return True
[docs] def log_out(self) -> None: """ Shut down the connection to Whisker. """ try: self.mainsock.close() except socket.error as x: log.error("Error closing main socket: " + str(x)) try: self.immsock.close() except socket.error as x: log.error("Error closing immediate socket: " + str(x))
[docs] def send(self, s: str) -> None: """ Send something to the server on the main socket, with a trailing newline. """ log.debug("Main socket command: " + s) socket_send(self.mainsock, s + "\n")
[docs] def send_immediate(self, s: str) -> str: """ Send a command to the server on the immediate socket, and retrieve its reply. """ log.debug("Immediate socket command: " + s) socket_sendall(self.immsock, s + "\n") reply = next(self.getlines_immsock()) log.debug("Immediate socket reply: " + reply) return reply
[docs] def getlines_immsock(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Yield a set of lines from the immediate socket. """ # buf = socket_receive(self.immsock) done = False while not done: if "\n" in buf: (line, buf) = buf.split("\n", 1) yield line else: more = socket_receive(self.immsock) if not more: done = True else: buf += more if buf: yield buf
[docs] def getlines_mainsock(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """ Yield a set of lines from the main socket. """ buf = socket_receive(self.mainsock) done = False while not done: if "\n" in buf: (line, buf) = buf.split("\n", 1) yield line else: more = socket_receive(self.mainsock) if not more: done = True else: buf += more if buf: yield buf