Source code for whisker.test_twisted

#!/usr/bin/env python



    Copyright © 2011-2020 Rudolf Cardinal (

    This file is part of the Whisker Python client library.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


**Command-line tool to test the Whisker Twisted client.**


import argparse
import logging

from twisted.internet import reactor

from cardinal_pythonlib.logs import configure_logger_for_colour
from whisker.api import (
from whisker.constants import DEFAULT_PORT
from whisker.twistedclient import WhiskerTwistedTask

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR = r"C:\Program Files\WhiskerControl\Server Test Media"
DEFAULT_BITMAP = "santa_fe.bmp"
DEFAULT_VIDEO = "mediaexample.wmv"
DEFAULT_WAV = "telephone.wav"

AUDIO = "audio"
DISPLAY = "display"
DOC = "doc"
VIDEO = "_video"

[docs]class MyWhiskerTwistedTask(WhiskerTwistedTask): """ Class deriving from :class:`whisker.twistedclient.WhiskerTwistedTask` to demonstrate the Twisted Whisker client. """ def __init__(self, display_num: int, audio_num: int, input_line: str, output_line: str, media_dir: str, bitmap: str, video: str, wav: str) -> None: super().__init__() # call base class init self.display_num = display_num self.audio_num = audio_num self.input = input_line self.output = output_line self.media_dir = media_dir self.bitmap = bitmap = video self.wav = wav # ... anything extra here
[docs] def fully_connected(self) -> None: """ Called when the server is fully connected. Set up the "task". """ print("SENDING SOME TEST/DEMONSTRATION COMMANDS") self.whisker.get_network_latency_ms() self.whisker.report_name("Whisker Twisted client prototype") self.whisker.timestamps(True) self.whisker.timer_set_event("TimerFired", 1000, 9) self.whisker.timer_set_event("EndOfTask", 12000) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display # --------------------------------------------------------------------- bg_col = (0, 0, 100) pen = Pen(width=3, colour=(255, 255, 150), style=PenStyle.solid) brush = Brush( colour=(255, 0, 0), bg_colour=(0, 255, 0), opaque=True, style=BrushStyle.hatched, hatch_style=BrushHatchStyle.bdiagonal) self.whisker.claim_display(number=self.display_num, alias=DISPLAY) display_size = self.whisker.display_get_size(DISPLAY)"display_size: {}".format(display_size)) self.whisker.display_scale_documents(DISPLAY, True) self.whisker.display_create_document(DOC) self.whisker.display_set_background_colour(DOC, bg_col) self.whisker.display_blank(DISPLAY) self.whisker.display_create_document("junk") self.whisker.display_delete_document("junk") self.whisker.display_show_document(DISPLAY, DOC) with self.whisker.display_cache_wrapper(DOC): self.whisker.display_add_obj_text( DOC, "_text", (50, 50), "hello there!", italic=True) self.whisker.display_add_obj_line( DOC, "_line", (25, 25), (200, 200), pen) self.whisker.display_add_obj_arc( DOC, "_arc", Rectangle(left=100, top=100, width=200, height=200), (25, 25), (200, 200), pen) self.whisker.display_add_obj_bezier( DOC, "_bezier", (100, 100), (150, 100), (150, 200), (100, 200), pen) self.whisker.display_add_obj_chord( DOC, "_chord", Rectangle(left=300, top=0, width=100, height=100), (100, 150), (400, 175), pen, brush) self.whisker.display_add_obj_ellipse( DOC, "_ellipse", Rectangle(left=0, top=200, width=200, height=100), pen, brush) self.whisker.display_add_obj_pie( DOC, "_pie", Rectangle(left=0, top=300, width=200, height=100), (10, 320), (180, 380), pen, brush) self.whisker.display_add_obj_polygon( DOC, "_polygon", [(400, 200), (450, 300), (400, 400), (300, 300)], pen, brush, alternate=True) self.whisker.display_add_obj_rectangle( DOC, "_rectangle", Rectangle(left=500, top=0, width=200, height=100), pen, brush) self.whisker.display_add_obj_roundrect( DOC, "_roundrect", Rectangle(left=500, top=200, width=100, height=200), 150, 250, pen, brush) self.whisker.display_add_obj_camcogquadpattern( DOC, "_camcogquad", (500, 400), 10, 10, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128], [255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 255), (100, 100, 100)) self.whisker.display_set_event(DOC, "_polygon", "poly_touched") self.whisker.display_clear_event(DOC, "_polygon") self.whisker.display_set_event(DOC, "_camcogquad", "play") self.whisker.display_set_event(DOC, "_roundrect", "pause") self.whisker.display_set_event(DOC, "_rectangle", "stop") self.whisker.display_set_obj_event_transparency(DOC, "_rectangle", False) self.whisker.display_bring_to_front(DOC, "_chord") self.whisker.display_send_to_back(DOC, "_chord") self.whisker.display_keyboard_events(DOC) self.whisker.display_event_coords(False) self.whisker.display_set_audio_device(DISPLAY, AUDIO) self.whisker.display_add_obj_video(DOC, VIDEO, (600, 0), self.whisker.video_set_volume(DOC, VIDEO, 90) self.whisker.video_timestamps(True) video_dur_ms = self.whisker.video_get_duration_ms(DOC, VIDEO)"video_dur_ms: {}".format(video_dur_ms)) video_pos_ms = self.whisker.video_get_time_ms(DOC, VIDEO)"video_pos_ms: {}".format(video_pos_ms))
[docs] def incoming_event(self, event: str, timestamp: int = None) -> None: """ Responds to incoming events from Whisker. """ print("Event: {e} (timestamp {t})".format(e=event, t=timestamp)) if event == "EndOfTask": # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences reactor.stop() elif event == "play": self.whisker.video_play(DOC, VIDEO) elif event == "pause": self.whisker.video_pause(DOC, VIDEO) elif event == "stop": self.whisker.video_stop(DOC, VIDEO) elif event == "back": self.whisker.video_seek_relative(DOC, VIDEO, -1000) elif event == "forward": self.whisker.video_seek_relative(DOC, VIDEO, 1000) elif event == "start": self.whisker.video_seek_absolute(DOC, VIDEO, 0)
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Command-line parser. See ``--help`` for details. """ logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger("whisker").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) configure_logger_for_colour(logging.getLogger()) # configure root logger # print_report_on_all_logs() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Test Whisker Twisted client", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( '--server', default='localhost', help="Server") parser.add_argument( '--port', default=DEFAULT_PORT, type=int, help="Port") parser.add_argument( '--display_num', default=DEFAULT_DISPLAY_NUM, type=int, help="Display number to use") parser.add_argument( '--audio_num', default=DEFAULT_AUDIO_NUM, type=int, help="Audio device number to use") parser.add_argument( '--input', default=DEFAULT_INPUT_LINE, type=int, help="Input line number to use") parser.add_argument( '--output', default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_LINE, type=int, help="Output line number to use") parser.add_argument( '--media_dir', default=DEFAULT_MEDIA_DIR, type=str, help="Media directory to use") parser.add_argument( '--bitmap', default=DEFAULT_BITMAP, type=str, help="Bitmap to use") parser.add_argument( '--video', default=DEFAULT_VIDEO, type=str, help="Video to use") parser.add_argument( '--wav', default=DEFAULT_WAV, type=str, help="WAV file to use") args = parser.parse_args() print("Module run explicitly. Running a Whisker test.") w = MyWhiskerTwistedTask( display_num=args.display_num, audio_num=args.audio_num, input_line=args.input, output_line=args.output, media_dir=args.media_dir, bitmap=args.bitmap,, wav=args.wav, ) w.connect(args.server, args.port)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()